Paxon acted as financial and commercial adviser to NSW Health and the University of NSW on the redevelopment of the Academic Health Science Campus at Randwick in NSW.
The $1 billion project comprised land acquisition, student housing and accommodation, hospital redevelopment, new medical and research centres and commercial development.
The project involved balancing a number of competing land use priorities for the site alongside achieving a viable commercial and financial project. To achieve this, Paxon worked with the University to understand key project drivers and develop a framework to prioritise types of mixed-use development.
Paxon developed the commercial and financial strategy associated with the redevelopment of the project.
NSW Health, UNSW Client
2015 - 2018 Year
Sydney, NSW Location
$1 billion Value
Financial and Commercial Adviser Roles
Key Outcomes
The project involves components being delivered by the University, some by NSW Health and some by the private sector.
The project is now in the construction phase.