Paxon provides ongoing financial and commercial advice to Housing Australia (formerly NHFIC) and was instrumental in its set up.
Paxon developed Housing Australia’s commercial and capital structure to best deliver finance to the community housing market.
Paxon assessed the capital structure options that would best meet the outcomes required, leading to Housing Australia being developed as a Commonwealth-owned corporation.
Paxon continues to develop project finance products and tools that can be readily used by Housing Australia and its potential borrowers to assess the viability of various social and affordable housing projects.
Housing Australia Client
2018 - ongoing Years
Sydney, NSW Location
$1+ billion Project Value
Financial and Commercial Adviser Roles
Key Outcomes
Since their inception, Paxon has advised on many transactions for, and with Housing Australia (formerly NHFIC), totalling over $1.3 billion of finance to the community housing provider (CHP) sector.
This includes Housing Australia’s $562 million bond issue in June 2020, $343 million in May 2021 and $462 million in June 2021.