Paxon provides ongoing commercial and financial advice to the Western Parkland City Authority on a range of areas assisting in the planning and development of 11,000 hectares of land surrounding the new Western Sydney Airport.
With infrastructure investment exceeding $20 billion, and additional investment expected to exceed $100 billion, the Aerotropolis represents one of the single largest urban development projects underway in Australia.
Paxon’s advice focused on commercial structures to achieve rapid activation of land, given the need to match development to the commissioning of the new Western Sydney Airport.
Paxon also focused on delivery and procurement models for connecting and enabling infrastructure, as activation of land for commercial or other purposes is dependent on the distribution of water, power, gas and telecommunications.
Western Parkland City Authority Client
2018 - ongoing Year
Western Sydney, NSW Location
$20 billion Project Value
Financial and Commercial Adviser Roles
Key Outcomes
Paxon continues to advise the Authority on various precincts within the broader Aerotropolis and how they are impacted by proximity to the airport for land usage and value.