Paxon acted as financial, commercial and procurement adviser to NSW Treasury and Land and Housing Corporation NSW (LAHC) on a new innovative Build to Rent (BTR) model to activate land development and introduce institutional capital into NSW social housing delivery.
Paxon worked with LAHC to demonstrate the viability of the Build to Rent (BTR) model, developed a business case, undertook a detailed market sounding process, and progressed the commercial and financial structure of the model through to a procurement process for the Redfern site.
Paxon’s advice led to the development and release to market of a new model for social housing delivery which allows Government to retain land and achieve significant qualitative and financial benefits.
The model was taken to market with a high level of market interest in the EOI and RFP.
NSW Treasury / LAHC NSW Client
2017 - 2018 Years
Sydney, NSW Location
$250 million Project Value
Financial, Commercial and Procurement Adviser Roles
Key Outcomes
Paxon’s approach developed a BTR model that responded to social housing delivery objectives whilst retaining Government land ownership.
This new commercial model met NSW Government’s needs while being appropriately structured to maximise market interest.
The Build to Rent model is the first of its kind in Australia.