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Paxon acted as financial and commercial adviser to develop a business case to establish a new primary school in the Perth CBD.

Due to the student enrolment growth at Highgate Primary School and demographic trends in the inner city, the Department had been investigating options to provide school enrolment relief.

Paxon developed the business case for the inner-city primary school project, building on our earlier work with the Department on a site options analysis. Paxon worked with the Department and a cross-Government working group to develop the business case and evaluate different built form and staging options.

Department of Education WA Client

2022-2024 Year

Perth, WA Location

$150 million Project Value

Financial and Commercial Adviser Roles

Key Outcomes

The project has progressed, with the Minister announcing further information on the design and concept for the school. The new East Perth Primary School is now expected to open for the 2029 school year.

The school will be the single largest investment in a public primary school in Western Australia.

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